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Used Cars and Trucks available in Minnesota

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Used cars located in Minnesota

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MN used cars

Despite being known as the land of 10,000 lakes, because it has over 14,000 bodies of freshwater that are at least 10 acres, Minnesota is also home to 5.7 million Americans. And that means a lot of used cars and used trucks for sale near you. We have Chevrolet Silverados, Ford F150s, and Ram 2500s along with work trucks. 

We have all types of vehicles that will suit any need - from rugged crossovers like Hyundai Santa Fe, Nissan Rogue, Toyota RAV-4 or the Honda CR-V, for all your favorite family adventures outdoors.  Are you looking for versatile sedans like a Hyundai Sonata, Honda Accord or Toyota Camry? These vehicles are perfect if you're going out on the town or going to see Lake Superior, the world's largest freshwater lake or taking a trip from Minneapolis to St. Paul. 

If you are shopping for a luxury car, EV, or exotic, we have you covered there too. If your dream car is out there, it's on here.

MotorCloud. All the cars.

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